Sunday 2 March 2014

Salt and pepper

From Kep it's just a short trip to Kampot where we've managed to feel absolutely welcome and settle down for a week again.  Kampot is actually a big spralling community on the river that still maintains a small town feel.  Everyone is so friendly and connected it's easy to get passed on from one local to another.  Always big smiles and lots on English spoken but lots of Khemer passed on as well.

Our tuk tuk driver, Mosa, from Kep to Kampot was actually originally from Kampot and spoke perfect English so we got absolutely spoiled.  He took us to a huge salt farm where an enormous amount of salt is produced and dried all on site.  They sell the salt to the market for about $2 for 50kg.  They can only produce during the dry season so they also raise sparrows in these giant concrete houses and sell off the nests for $1000/1 kg to the Chinese and wealthy Cambodians for bird's nest soup.  The spit used to make the nests is considered to bring luck and prosperity.  Ew.  The kids at the salt farm were super cute and helped show us around.  After the salt farm Mosa took us to a pepper plantation where we learned all about organically growing pepper in Cambodia.  And the pepper is good!  Mosa took us to his favorite spot in Kampot market to pick up some, red, white and black with some free salt thrown in.

Now we are chillin on the river at a great backpackers called Arcadia.  Great people, good food and lots of swimming.     

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