Tuesday 25 February 2014

Cary's got crabs

The trip from the island to the mainland was a bit rough,  boat actually rocking back and forth so much you look out the opposite window and the water is higher then the boat.  Staying up with friends the night before did not help the journey in any way.  We not so gently rock to sleep.

On the mainland we tracked down our driver who was very impatient to find us only to shuffle us to a restaurant and wait for a vehicle.  Hurry up and wait is quite common.  Finally our 'minibus' arrives, a small suv into which 9 people are crammed and one tossed on a scooter. Off to the border!

Border crossings take forever.  There is always some idiot not prepared that holds up the line or creates confusion.  It is not acceptable in Asia to lose your cool and it is very embarassing to get frustrated or lose your temper.  So much so if it happens to the idiot causing the trouble the local will most likely just walk away.  It would actually be entertaining to watch if we all weren't waiting in 35 degree heat.  It definitely is a great way to learn patience.

Almost through the border, the end is so close and we go through a health check... a small hut between us and Cambodia.  I sit and a border official scans my forhead to check for fever.  A temperature of 37.1 is acceptable, phew!  Kim is also accepted with 36. We each pay one dollar US and receive an all healthy stamp.  Now we can enter Cambodia,  hello Cambodia old friend!

We have just a quick drive to Kep where rumor has it they have the best crab around and amazing pepper.  And the rumors are right!  I eat 5 crabs in two days.  Some with a green peppercorn sauce that blows my mind and others just plain boiled.  Delicious and expertly prepared.   They are caught in traps just a few feet from where we sit in the restaurant at the end of the ocean.  A little bit on the small side, its a bit finicky to get all the meat but well worth the effort.  Washed down with some Ankor beer and I'm in heaven.  And Kim is lovely, patiently sipping wine and laughing as she watches me enjoy every last bit.

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