Friday 6 December 2013

Move over Korean bbq

Today I regretted not having a go pro so you could see us navigate our way through morning traffic to get to breakfast. If you're not fully awake its best not to attempt the excursion. Between the sidewalks being used for scooter parking (it would be silly for pedestrians actually being able to use them) and the fact that a stop light doesnt mean anything at all, it's an absolute adventure. Never mind constantly having somebody ask if you want a ride somewhere, move along taxi, cant you see I'm trying to cross a busy street!  It is fun to cross through intense traffic knowing that as long as you maintain a current pace they will avoid you. Works quite perfectly really. Its really satisfying that this time around we immediatly have the confidence and knowledge to do so. Even navigating through the city from memory at times.

Experienced a new food option here last night. After downing some bia hoi (draft beer that has to be drunk within 24 hrs of making) and watching the Vietnamese traffic ballet from a bia hoi street corner (by day common shops, by night local watering hole).  We wandered through the night market eating spiraled deep fried potato on a stick covered in sweet chili salt and grilled lemongrass mouth watering pork on a stick. Snacking is great but wouldnt you know it we stumble on a Vietnamese version of Korean bbq. You pick it, they grill it. Then it is transfered to your hot plate where fat has been rendering to make your food selections even more tasty.  We had two types of pork, beef short ribs, okra, lotus stalks and pineapple with some mind blowing hot sauce. Everyone just sitting on the street corner on tiny stools with hot plates screaming hot. Sooo cool. And absolutely delicious. Dutchy say what?!


  1. nothing beats a good breakfast!

  2. Sounds yum-o!!! Super jeal. I just had a couple of tomatoes.
    Also post more food pics. I need to live through you. Hahaha!!!

  3. Mmm sounds delicous. Would be hard to be a vegetariana with food like that around. Yum!

