Friday 13 December 2013

From opium poppies to coffee beans...

Don't panic!  I've found delicious lattes in Luang Prabang, Laos. Just a quick step from our hotel is Saffron Espresso Caffe where they're serving a variety of coffees including the perfect latte. And they have a perfect story... Apparently the Laos hill tribes were unable to grow rice in their paddies and resorted to growing opium to make a living. When the government outlawed opium production they slid into horrible poverty.  Enter a foreigner who saw the potential of the abandoned paddies and created a coffee plant nursery.  He provided the hill tribes with the seedlings he produced and made a deal to buy all the coffee beans they produced.  Saffron Coffee was born and the hill tribes were able to make a living once again... And I get a delicious latte.

We have already seen two billiant parades here as they are opening a new temple. The last budda sculpture has just been finished and moved in. With the statues getting installed and visiting hovernment officials its a pretty big deal and awesome to observe. The people create these money trees and drop them off at to temple along with other offerings. So colorful!

Today we are holed up on our communal patio hiding from a torrential downpour.  Hopefully it passes soon as we wanted to check out dinner at the night market here.  We've already had Lao bbq along side the river which was amazing, much like the Vietnamese one but we were completely in charge of our own cooking this time and it was all you can eat! Omg. I think I might have over indulged lol.

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